7 Tips For Art Hanging and Interior Decorating
Picture hanging systems are an essential addition to any home, as they will offer you an easy way to display your art and pictures in the style you’ve always wanted. Although it may seem like hanging artwork is a simple task, there are many aspects of picture hanging that can be difficult to master if you’re not used to doing it regularly. If you’re having trouble with it, here are some expert tips to help you learn how to hang art and pictures properly in your home.
1) Think about scale
There are many picture-hanging systems on the market. Each has its own merits, but it’s important to think about scale when choosing a picture hanging system. Use your art as inspiration: Whether you’re looking for a vintage vibe or something contemporary, if you have art that inspires you, use it as an example of scale, color, and textures. It can help make sure that your picture hangs and looks great.
2) Know your wall type
Wall types come in many different varieties. Some walls are thicker than others, while some are long and narrow, requiring a particular framing style. It’s a good idea to consider these two characteristics when choosing what to hang on your wall. That is why it’s crucial that you know what type of wall you have before beginning any art hanging project. If you don’t know for sure, get out that measuring tape and investigate!
3) Know what you’re hanging
What art you hang is just as important as how you hang it. The size, shape, color, lightness or darkness, background color (of where it’s hanging), and orientation of your art all impact your space. Taking these factors into consideration before purchasing is key for maximizing a room’s style. Look for art that complements and adds to existing pieces in your home; avoid buying new pieces that clash with what you already have.
4) Consider the room shape
The ideal art-hanging scenario is where all art hangs in straight lines parallel to one another on a wall or walls. But if your room’s shape doesn’t allow for even spacing, don’t worry; you can still create something beautiful. Consider that some shapes will work better than others (pyramids are great for around space), and experiment with different layouts until you find what works best.
7) Hang frames symmetrically
There’s nothing more unprofessional than looking at someone’s space and seeing random, lopsided frames adorning all four corners of a room. If you don’t know how to hang art, it can seem not very safe—but it doesn’t have to be! You need your hands and something to hold up your frame.
The art of hanging art should be practiced by everyone, not just those with an eye for aesthetics. It’s important to make sure that you hang your art at home or in your office to make it fit in with its surroundings and ensure that it’s easily viewable. A piece of art doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant to display; it simply needs to compliment your space, regardless of size or subject matter.